Simple Ways to Cut Down Your Business’s Energy Consumption

by / Monday, 26 March 2018 / Published in Electrical Maintenance, Electrical Testing News

As energy resources start to dwindle, the responsibility of ensuring that we are able to conserve what little we are left with rests on the shoulders of everybody, especially businesses.

Sometimes, businesses make the expensive mistake of thinking that heavy energy consumption is just the price of doing business.

Well, that’s a completely wrong assumption and there are several ways in which a business can optimize its use of electricity. In fact, here are a few very simple suggestions.

Turn Off What’s Not in Use

Most of us have observed this rule at home. In fact, we probably continue to observe it at our respective homes even now. But, something changes when we’re at work.
For some reason, we think it’s somebody else’s job to turn off the lights and other electrical equipment inside an office.

Well, your business obviously isn’t hiring anybody to do this specifically. So, it’s, pretty much, your responsibility, especially if you are the last one to leave. In fact, talk to your colleagues about it and maybe, you can even have HR implement a policy.

The bottom line is the same – switch off things that aren’t being used.

Use CFL/LED Lamps

Most organizations today have made the shift to CFL/LED lamps. It’s just the smart thing to do, considering how little energy these things need to run. Plus, they tend to last longer too. In fact, studies indicate that they boost the lifespan of your electric fixtures significantly and consume 75% less energy than traditional bulbs.

Use Natural Light

Are there spaces in the office that receive enough sunlight? If yes, there is no need to switch on the lights in those areas. Just make the most of the natural light that’s coming in.

In fact, look out for areas where you can let in natural light to compensate for artificial light.
This is a small but great way to cut down on energy use.

Avoid Paper Use

In this day and age of the email and instant messaging platforms, you can drastically reduce your dependence on paper and lower your energy use. Print paper only when you really need it. Otherwise, stick to using electronic copies or soft copies.

There are many organizations out there that are making this shift on a much larger scale. Maybe, it’s time for your business to make a start.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable Thermostats can automatically regulate the heating or cooling based on ambient temperature. This can go a long way in reducing energy use.