Greg Poole Industrial Tests, Inc. Rocklin, CA, USA Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Abstract By visualizing the Sun and Earth coupled together by a mechanical spring, I have shown how gravity is like spring tension. This rotating spring coupler example is then exchanged for an analogous rotating electrical capacitor which leads to an improved electrical


Thursday, 31 October 2019 by

Greg Poole Industrial Tests, Inc. Rocklin, CA, USA Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing. Abstract The history of man’s ever-changing calendars is explored and thought to be rooted in cosmic motor slip. By modeling the standard light year as a rotating magnetic field and the lunar light year as a

Greg Poole Industrial Tests, Inc. Rocklin, CA, USA Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing. Abstract Based on new data pertaining to the covalent bond length of H2 a new theory on the origin of Newtons Constant is proposed. This paper intends to answer the question of the mechanism in nature that

Theory of Electro Relativity

Thursday, 19 September 2019 by

Author(s)  Greg Poole ABSTRACT A unified field theory is created by using a simple dipole antenna to model the Earth’s electrical fields. From Maxwell’s equation a set of standard radio field equations are presented for the Electrostatic, Inductive and Radiative field. By inserting three gravity field equations (1/r, 1/r2 and 1/r3) a new set of field equations

In this Presentation: I model the solar system as a long wave radio system operating at tremendously low frequency Our Sun acts as a transmitter, transmitting tremendously low frequency waves The planets act as receivers of the waves from the Sun The Sun and the planets are tuned to transmit and receive electrical power similar

Author(s) Greg Poole Affiliation Industrial Tests, Inc., Rocklin, CA, USA. ABSTRACT This paper describes a mathematical proof that Gauss’s Law for Magnetism can be derived from the Law of Universal Magnetism [1]. A second reciprocal proof also shows that the Law of Universal Magnetism can be derived from Gauss’s Law for Magnetism. These two complimentary

Author(s) Greg Poole Affiliation Industrial Tests, Inc., Rocklin, CA, USA. ABSTRACT By representing the Earth as a rotating spherical antenna several historic and scientific breakthroughs are achieved. Visualizing the Sun as a transmitter and the planets as receivers the solar system can be represented as a long wave radio system operating at Tremendously Low Frequency

Author: Greg Poole Affiliations: Industrial Tests, Inc., Rocklin, CA, USA. ABSTRACT Planets are interconnected via magnetic field lines, which allow flux transfer events. In this paper, a thought experiment is performed whereby the Sun and planets are visualized as a violin with magnetic field lines analogous to strings of the violin. Frequency calculations for vibrating

In this presentation, I will provide a possible electrical explanation for the Earth’s planetary operation.

The Sun’s slow periodic flux transfer to the Earth, the low frequency of Schumann Resonance, and the fixed DC voltage of the capacitor direct us toward direct current (DC) machines for electrical modeling purposes. The Earth exhibits dual characteristics of a motor generator set by motoring the mechanical Earth around its axis, while at the