The Long Arc of Light and Gravity

Friday, 23 August 2019 by

By: Greg Poole* Industrial Tests, Inc. Rocklin, CA, USA *Corresponding author: Greg Poole, Industrial Tests, Inc. Rocklin, CA, USA, E-Mail: Received: July 31, 2019; Accepted: August 06, 2019; Published: August 15, 2019 Introduction In his book, Isaac Newton visualized a cannon on top of a very high mountain [1]. If there were no forces

Abstract The velocity of the Earth around the Sun and its corresponding mass are used in a standard centripetal force equation to match what Isaac Newton calcu¬lated with the Universal Law of Gravitation in 1687. Electromagnetic calcula¬tions are used to prove that electromagnetic forces are an insignificant con¬tributor to the centripetal force or gravity, but

Electro Dynamo Theory of Gravity

Monday, 05 August 2019 by

Abstract In this paper, flux transfer events from the Sun to the Earth are represented as an electrical frequency. The Earth’s inner core is modeled as a motor arma¬ture and the mechanical speed is calculated from the frequency of flux trans¬fer events. The speed of the inner core creates a centripetal acceleration at the center

Cosmic Power Generation and Gravity

Monday, 05 August 2019 by

By modeling the Sun as an electrical dynamo, the speed and frequency of the Sun’s electromagnetic field is determined. The results confirm the approximate radius of the Sun’s inner core 1,220,000 meters and gravity at its sur¬face, 274 m/s2. The Sun’s rotating electromagnetic field radiates to Pluto and beyond. Like gravity, the near magnetic field