Law of Universal Magnetism, F = ke × H

by / Monday, 02 July 2018 / Published in Electrical Testing News


A new universal equation using planet magnetic pole strength is presented
and given reasoning for its assemblage. Coulomb’s Constant, normally used in
calculating electrostatic force is utilized in a new magnetic dipole equation for
the first time, along with specific orbital energy. Results were generated for
five planets that give insight into specific orbital energy as an energy constant
for differing planets based on gravitational potential at the surface of a planet.
Specific energy can be evaluated as both energy per unit volume (J/kg) and/or
specific orbital energy (m2 /s2 ). Due to a multitude of terms that lead to confusion
it is recommended that the IEEE standards committee review specific orbital
energy SI units for m2 /s2 . The magic number for cyclonic “lift off”, or anti-
gravity, is calculated to be ϵ = 148 m2 /s2 the value at which a classical law of
magnetism appears as F = ke × H.


Coulomb’s Constant, Magnetic Moment, Magnetic Pole Strength, Specific
Orbital Energy, Storm Relative Helicity

1. Introduction

Hooke’s Law, F = kx was named after Robert Hooke, a 17th century British phy-
sicist. Hooke first became aware of the law in 1660 and stated the law for the first
time in 1676 in Latin Anagram. Following up in 1678, Hooke published the solution
of his anagram UT TENSIO, SIC VIS (“AS THE EXTENSION, SO THE FORCE” [1]. In 1687, Isaac Newton introduced the laws of motion and laws of gravitation. The laws of motion are defined in Principia, forming the foundation of classical mechanics: Newton’s law of universal gravitation and a derivative of Kepler’s law of planetary motion. The Principia is considered one of the great achievements in scientific history [2]. Gauss’s law of gravity and Kepler’s first, second and third laws of orbital motion, first introduced in 1609, are the four accomplishments considered as classical laws of physics. Nearly four centuries have transpired since these great men walked the Earth and published their manuscripts. No greater gift could be bestowed to honor our heroes of science than
to proclaim a new universal law of electromagnetism.

Read full article here.