How Technology is Making Electrical Maintenance More Efficient

by / Monday, 25 June 2018 / Published in Electrical Maintenance

Managing electrical operations within an industrial environment can be complex and tiresome, to say the least. Ensuring that every little piece of equipment stays operational is a task that’s not meant for “mere mortals”. That’s why we have preventive maintenance programs in place.

But, maintenance programs aside, there is also the issue of coordinating and keeping track of each maintenance schedule. Fortunately, times are changing and technology is helping electrical maintenance teams overcome such challenges.

Let’s take a look.

The mobile app

There is a mobile app out there for everything, so why shouldn’t we have one for electrical maintenance schedules? Well, the good news is that we actually do. These apps can send out reminders on upcoming maintenance work and even guide users on matters such as identifying the location of the equipment.

The app will also provide users with a list of maintenance tasks that can be shared with the team. Each task can also be allocated to the right person.

These apps are capable of listing out each piece of equipment accurately as well, ensuring that all of them can be addressed without fail. All the technician has to do is check his/her mobile phone to locate the equipment that needs to be fixed or checked.

The smart breaker

The technician can then use his/her smartphone to connect with the circuit breaker and access diagnostic information. This is possible with smart circuit breakers that boast onboard intelligence.

Once the app provides the data, the technician can assess the breaker’s programming to determine what the issue really is. A barcode on the breaker can be scanned to access maintenance history. The data logs may be able to guide the technician further; similar to the how doctor’s use a patient’s medical history to carry out further treatment.


Once the service is completed, a single click is all the technician will need to generate a report. The report will be preconfigured to hold relevant data. The report can then be uploaded onto the cloud for further review by other technicians.

This will lead to quicker invoicing as teams can share and collaborate.

So, as you can see, with such technological solutions, electrical maintenance can be revolutionized. Everything from planning to invoicing becomes much easier. There won’t be any time-consuming processes to deal with anymore.

The big question now is – is your electrical maintenance contractor moving forward with the times? Maybe it’s time to have a talk with them.