by / Wednesday, 01 July 2020 / Published in Electrical Engineering

Greg Poole

Industrial Tests, Inc. Rocklin, CA, USA

Copyright © 2019 The Author(s).


By visualizing the Sun and Earth coupled together by a mechanical spring, I have shown how gravity is like spring tension. This rotating spring coupler example is then exchanged for an analogous rotating electrical capacitor which leads to an improved electrical circuit diagram of the solar system. The series capacitive coupled circuit is the electrical transmission system for the solar system. Low frequency electrical energy is transferred from the Sun to the planets via flux transfer events. A capacitive coupled system inherently develops torque which provides rotation and entripetal/centrifugal force or what we call gravity. The paralleling of electricity generating Suns indicates that the power of the universe is virtually unlimited as James Clerk Maxwell inferred. Harnessing the power of the universe is one step closer to reality by virtue of the electrical schematic of the solar system.

Keywords and phrases: flux transfer events, gravity, Newton’s cradle, spring coupler, series
capacitive coupling, wireless transmission system.

In 1686, a controversy arose when the first book of Newton’s Principia was presented to the Royal Society. Robert Hooke accused Newton of plagiarism by claiming that he had taken from his paper “System of the World” [1]. Historical review of manuscripts written by Newton in the 1660s shows that he arrived at proofs where in a circular case of planetary motion, planets “endeavour to recede” (Newton later called centrifugal force) and have an inverse-square relation with distance from the centre [2]. However, after his 1679-1680 correspondence with Hooke, Newton adopted the language of inward or centripetal force.

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