Author(s) Greg Poole Affiliation(s): Industrial Tests, Inc., Rocklin, CA, USA ABSTRACT Ampère-Maxwell circuital law is investigated and used to model the Earth as a series of stacked Faraday discs, which create the magnetoqua-sistatic field. A third new equation is constructed that relates gravity to the very near field of the Earth. Naturally occurring low frequency electromagnetic waves

Author(s)  Greg Poole ABSTRACT By combing the mass energy equivalence formula, E=mc2, with the speed of light and gravity formula,  , a new equation for energy is derived. The Energy Electromagnetic Force Equivalence is used to explain the rotational torque of the stars, planets, and galaxy. A greater understanding of the universe is achieved with a simple mathematical

Theory of Electro Relativity

Thursday, 19 September 2019 by

Author(s)  Greg Poole ABSTRACT A unified field theory is created by using a simple dipole antenna to model the Earth’s electrical fields. From Maxwell’s equation a set of standard radio field equations are presented for the Electrostatic, Inductive and Radiative field. By inserting three gravity field equations (1/r, 1/r2 and 1/r3) a new set of field equations